Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Plane flirts with both line and mass. Planes often reveal geometries, logic(s), rules, interests.

 Planes can slide
 Planes can be scored, cut and folded
 Planes can thicken
 Planes can aggregate
 Planes can carve
 Planes can peel back and bend
 Planes can float
 Planes can twist
 Planes can play mass

 Planes can fold
 Planes can be continuous
 Planes can change identities, seem solid at once and then thin as a line
 Planes can replicate

Planes can form a surface
 Planes can be molded

 Planes must be constructed
 The details of how planes meet is important
 The degree to which a plane communicates mass, plane and line should range and be clear
When designing, it helps to envision planes in relationship to regulating lines, coordinates, alignments, constructive processes--some constant that helps guide how your planes move and create space.

Read:  What are possible ideas embedded in these projects?

Utimately, we are asking:  How can the spirit of the planar element express an idea and at the same time engage in the dialogue with the existing site, the original basswood frame, as a way of making dynamic space(s).

Photo notes: If a photograph shown here belongs to you, please email me and I am happy to either credit you or remove the photo from this post.  Thank you!

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